Start The Journey and Overcome Emotional Shackles
The journey to let go the hurt, heal emotional wounds, silence the inner critic, boost self-esteem to realize one's potential and act with confidence and intentions can feel hard, painful and lonely leaving one feeling stuck and isolated.
Emotional Shackles
What are emotional shackles, how do they feel or look like?
- Feeling like a fraud / not good enough.
- Feeling depleted emotionally, spiritually and /or financially.
- Showing up with a smile, ACT like you have it all together but drowning and hurting inside.
- Unable to place a finger on the exact issue or find a solution.
- Feeling stuck.
- Negative self-talk.
- Social anxiety.
- The fear of the unknown.
Every person was created to thrive and live in abundance, however our environment, events, day to day experiences, cultural and social practices that we had up to the age of 14 years old can change the story from abundance to the pain of emotional shackles. This causes self-doubt, shame, guilt, and robs of the ability to think and act spontaneously, which makes one feel anxious and depressed. This turns a person into a chaser, a codependent, people pleaser, tolerating unhealthy or emotionally unavailable relationships and feeling not good enough and so stuck in life.
Operating in emotional shackles is painful and frustrating. A Person operating on emotional shackles feels like he/she is giving and doing everything but never getting the desired result. This person overcommits at work, with family, in relationships, and in every area of their life. It becomes very hard for this person to turn down any request in an effort of trying not to make anyone unhappy or avoiding to look bad.
All this only turns a person into a door mat, a people pleaser, drained and resentful. Majority of the time, those who are bound by emotional shackles don’t have a clue of being in a bondage, they can tell something is not right but are not able to place a finger on the exact issue. Some tend to think they are bound by generational curses. Emotional shackles are a result of generational trauma.
Good news though is that the shackles can be broken! Acknowledged trauma can be healed.
Thrive After Betrayal
Did a painful relationship leave you…..
- Feeling not good enough and rejected?.
- Feeling like a stranger to yourself?
- Struggling with low self confidence and self love
- Feeling isolated and lonely?
- Feeling empty, yearning for inner peace/healing
Feeling shame guilt and fear? - Feeling like a fraud, full of self doubt?
- Feeling hurt, resentful and angry ?
- Full of self doubt and second guessing yourself?
- Filled with anxiety, panic or episodes of anxiety rush
- Struggling to maintain healthy relationships?
feeling overwhelmed, stuck or lost? - Struggling to do the things you love doing?
Feeling used and scammed with no justice? - Feeling like you are not where you want to be in life??
Betrayal is the shattering of expectations, beliefs, or worldviews that causes a person to feel some sort of psychological or moral conflict. Although we naturally take betrayal personally, betrayal says more about the person betraying you than it does about you. Chances are that may be you are wondering can someone recover after betrayal? Where should one start? Will I be able to trust again?
Betrayal causes a wide variety of mental, emotional, and physical responses from stress, anxiety, and feelings of resentment, bitterness, and overwhelm to muscular tension, stomach upset. You can change the future, start where you are by identify the limiting beliefs and patterns that keeps you bound by emotional shackles.
Am I in a toxic/ abusive relationship?
- Do you feel stuck?
- Do you feel less or not good enough?
- Have you talked to friends and family or maybe a professional, but you feel they don’t get it? (Nobody understands or validates)
- Do you feel the need of obtaining evidence for proof of what you are experiencing?
- Do you feel like crazy or losing it?
- Do you feel like a detective in your relationship?
- Do you find it hard to make friends and family understand your pain?
- Do your words get twisted and used against you?
- Does your partner say things about you, your personality, appearance, character, or accomplishments that make you feel bad?
- Do you feel exhausted, drained, and desperate for peace or/and change?
- Do you feel the need of obtaining evidence for proof of what you are experiencing?
- Do you have self-doubt, second guess yourself in almost everything?
- Do you feel like you give too much but you get back too little or nothing?
Psychological and Emotional abuse
Psychological abuse comes in the form of control, deception, denial, invalidation, ridicule, contradiction, and derogatory statements that cause harm and interfere with the psychological adjustment of a person.
These statements are attacks or passive-aggressive comments on the victim’s competence, (“You can’t do anything right; you’re just a big dummy”) or character (e.g., “You’re so lazy, no one will ever love you as I do, you are too big/fat /not the most beautiful, but I still love you, good for nothing, etc).
Sometimes a statement is made to sound like a compliment but starts with a disparaging comment covered with praise. When the targeted person expresses concern about these comments, the intentions get twisted into making it sound like this person is too sensitive, overreacting, or can not take a joke.
Emotional abuse happens when a person controls another person using emotions, criticism, embarrassment, intimidation, shame, gaslighting, blame, and manipulation.
In general, an emotionally abusive relationship is when there is a consistent pattern of, bullying, inappropriate, demeaning, and offensive words and/or behaviors that wear down and disarm a person’s defenses.
Hidden Abuse
Hidden abuse includes physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, emotional and mental, financial, and spiritual. Hidden abuse is insidious and happens in private, behind doors, and leaves no physical signs or scars. As a result, one struggles to determine whether or not the treatment is part of a normal relationship.
In the process of trying to solve the issues, one gets blamed for the strife in the relationship, leaving one conflicted about who is at fault. In most cases, the issues seem too petty to complain about so a victim of hidden abuse tends to normalize the strife as usual marital issues.
In most cases, by the time one starts to realize the ongoing issues are actually abuse, the challenges that follow include lack of language/the words to point and describe the abuse, self-doubt, lack of support from friends and family, having very little or no financial access, being tied down by joint commitments, trauma bond, anxiety, just to name a few.
Hidden abuse can make a person feel like crazy or losing it. The inner critic and self-doubt are some of the struggles when trying to rise above an abusive situation. The inner critic is negative self-talk which includes feeling shameful, Feeling like a fraud, self-doubts, and low self-esteem. The inner critic is nagging negative thoughts that question and undermines each decision and accomplishment making a person feel guilty and inadequate, it is a specific negative voice in the thoughts originating from words from the past coming from different sources like childhood guardians, a bully, a sibling, or a person you looked up to or trusted, a boss or a spouse. It can be very challenging to overcome inner critic, it can even feel impossible.
Breaking emotional shackles is the ultimate solution for overcoming challenges that one faces on the healing journey. Some of these challenges include codependency, boundaries, limiting beliefs, and childhood programming which makes a person feel so stuck. Healing happens when a speaks up and works through any hurt, pain, or abuse from the past.